Saturday, September 29, 2007


I have been very complicated. If you read my previous post, you will note that I have serious financial problems. I tried everything, debt consolidations, loans from friends and family and now I really don’t know what to do…

Next Tuesday October 2, I have to pay USD12.428 and I have no money or where to get the money. If I don’t pay, I will lose all my Bank record and I will have to wait for 3 years to get a Bank account again and I use my Bank account to my job.

I sold all the valuable things that I had so now I am lost…

I believe that many people ask for money on Internet and I know that many of those people don’t really have problems and for that the people who could help don’t do it but in my case is true.

I will use my blog as a last recourse to get some help from people who read my post. Please forgive me for ask money but I am totally desperate…

At the right top I have PayPal account and PayPal include all the credit cards. When you open the link you will see my e-mail and when you make a donation they advice me by sending me an e-mail. I will write here if somebody sends me a donation and the amount. If someday I can return the money I will make it.

Or if you have a job for me I am open to that too.

Please help me to get my life back it is seem to me like I am on hell

God bless you